The team at SA+ is dedicated to exploring methods for optimizing human healthspan...

The brothers Drath are the creative team responsible for the SpineAlignPlus. Both dan and tom have devoted several years of developmental process to the SA+. With the goal of ensuring that this much needed technology is made available to the public. Which resulted from conflating two crucial elements. The first of which is their innate pursuit of maximizing human health span. Coupled with the prescient need to empower individuals with more effective solutions in resolving spine related dysfunctions.

Within that framework, dan and tom endeavored to realize a simple and elegant solution to the negative physiological effects of contemporary lifestyles – living in a primarily sedentary culture, and the predictable patterns of injury that typically result from doing so. The criteria were straightforward. The goal was to create an apparatus that was safe for virtually everyone. Furthermore, that it would be optimally effective for every segment in the human spinal architecture.

They would submit that they did indeed successfully accomplish their goal. Although only after years of dedicated developmental process. Wherein, the SA+ was extensively tested and re-tested to guarantee optimal safety and efficacy. Notably, this extensive process was carried out with the necessary broad spectrum of individuals. Thus, they feel confident in the absolute validity of the claims being asserted about the SA+. Namely, that it represents today’s most advanced technology in the world of self-spine care. In fact, people will feel incredible empowered once they become acquainted with this product. As for the first time, people can avail themselves of an ideal strategy for individually controlling the health of their spinal architecture.


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